Simple Living Manifesto

Freedom lies in simplicity. 

The commitment to live simply is, ultimately, the commitment to live for God alone. 

To live a life of simplicity is to gradually awaken to the true and universal purpose of life as a human being on this planet: That of creating and living in spiritual villages. Yogananda called them “brotherhood colonies,” or “the living Church of Christ.” Whereby work, worship, education, play, meditation, creativity, and all aspects of life are integrated into one holistic, natural and spiritual community of life. 

Why can’t we see the divine design for human life? For even my own life? Desires. 

Born of ego-identification, desire-nature keeps us bound to the duality of creation, and robs us of our happiness. Therefore, as brothers and sisters of simplicity, we aspire and attain to be free from a life guided by whims and desires of the little self; and to thus realize the universal path of freedom. 

Paramhansa Yogananda stated the Purpose(s) of Life, as 4 fold: 

The first purpose is thus, to be happy in God, all the time, no matter what happens. 

The second is to grow one’s own food, using natural methods and in harmony with nature.

The third is health through natural living. and freedom from the dis-ease that accompanies modern, unnatural life. 

The fourth is to provide all other basic needs (like clothes, building, art, medicine, etc) as a community, and thereby stay free from dependence upon, and desires for, the ways of the world. 

This is not a message for primitivism or going backwards; it is the mission of soul freedom for all of humanity.  It is not for weaklings or prideful people; it is for the spiritually courageous and the humble.

It speaks not to the passing cultures and fads of humanity in a day, but to the timeless and universal path of life, which is always here to be known when a human-Soul is ready to be born anew. 

It is the immortal path to Self Realization, which God has designed for humanity: To live simply, close to Nature, in brotherhood and in service to all life. This is a universal and practical application of Yoga and Christ’s teachings in this world. In our own lives. 

This way of life will be the way of the future of humanity: A perfect blending of East and West; of inner spiritual-realization, and of outer harmony with nature. And we should go forth in all directions, to demonstrate that simplicity of living, combined with high thinking and Self-realization, will lead to the greatest happiness and freedom. 

“And don’t forget this plan. Each one of you can do it; the work needs you, and you need the work. This is the way of freedom.” Paramhansa Yogananda

The Way of Life of the Farm Ashram

Living in the Ashram requires the constant and joyful practice of ego-transcendence, or stated positively, God remembrance. 

Every situation, circumstance, person and moment is an opportunity to learn the lesson God has in mind for our Soul’s growth. In this way, the ashram, and life itself, is a classroom for the Universal Intelligence to guide us on our path. 

The two sides of the coin for life at the ashram are 1) universal, loving (selfless) service in outward activity and 2) sadhana, or spiritual practice and meditation, oriented towards devotion, purification and ultimately, perfect self-offering. 

With both sides of the coin, in balance and united, we can learn to walk the path of self realization with sincerity, humility, and grace. 

The foundation of this path is 

1) Willingness – to be positive, energetic, and enthusiastic while embarking on necessary, appropriate, and righteous activities. Are my actions born of actual need? Are they done in the right spirit? Are they done selflessly, without expectation of personal gain? Are they joyful? 


2) Faith. To realize God simply is the sole reflection in all Life; teaching, inspiring, correcting, and guiding our very Lives, towards ultimate freedom in Him. Can we embrace this understanding? Each day? This moment? To do so is to live in true faith. 

The Vow of Simplicity and Brotherhood

As a brother/sister of simplicity of Camano,

I hereby dedicate myself to a life path of simplicity, 

And a life purpose of Self-realization. 

This manifesto was inspired by a talk that Paramhansa Yogananda gave June of 1949 in San Diego, CA linked here.

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