• Equinox Letter

    This letter was written by Zach to be read aloud at an Equinox Celebration hosted at the farm last Saturday. Greetings farmers and friends,  It’s a very nice thought to think this morning, as I write these words to you, that a mighty group of you are now gathered today and in this moment, on the verandah, in celebration, song, and appreciation of the fall equinox.  This occasion has true significance for each and all of us, as human-souls, incarnated as we all are, on this shared and floating ball in space, called Earth.  For one – there is the opportunity to remember and realize anew that we all are a part…

  • Feb 2021, State of the Yoga-Farm Address

    It has been 1 year and 4 months since last was sent the Ananda Farm newsletter: The “2019 Year-in-Review.” Apparently, 2020 was skipped altogether. Not to worry, the moment has arrived. There are perhaps enough words that follow to induce a peaceful slumber in even the most caffeinated night-time youtube resident. As always, no pressure. Feel free to skip this altogether. And yet, for those brave enough to continue, please enjoy this now evidently less than annual offering: State of the Yoga Farm Address – Feb 2021Greetings good friends and great farmers,  The spring of 2021 is nigh upon us, like the awakening dawn, after a strange and sometimes seemingly endless dark night. Will 2021 be different than its predecessor for our fair…

  • Planting a Fruit Tree or Orchard.

    The best time to plant a tree? Last year, of course! Health of the planet and it’s vast peoples; community-self-reliance and future abundance; the simple joy that overflows our bushel basket from a growing connection to the life in our own yards and homestead; Oxygen, water, food, flowers, mulch and soil fertility. Trees are effectively the mothers of life on this planet – giving love and wisdom to all who come into their presence. Planting fruit trees and orchards are an investment whose return increases in value with every passing season. Basic Steps to PlantingOf course, the most important thing, is to simply plant. We often find that the knowledge…

  • Ananda Farm No-Till, Natural Farming Resources (books and videos)

    With the uncertain circumstances of this most memorable 2020 season still upon us, many millions of earth citizens have been heading back out to the garden this spring, for a kind-of Victory Garden resurgence, filled with the community spirit and self-reliance of yore. In the last few weeks, many friends new and old have also reached out to farms like our own requesting information and resources. Much like ourselves at the inception of Ananda Farm here on Camano Island, though abundant in enthusiasm and energy, many a youthful-gardener are less equipped with practical experience and know-how, for how to garden, or even, how to get started. In our experience, we…

  • Tribute to Larry Korn

    Saturday, Jan 11, 2020 (tomorrow) will be the Life Celebration for our great friend and natural farming mentor, Larry Korn. Though Hailey and I are currently on a beach in Baja and unable to attend the celebration in person, I have submitted this letter in gratitude for Larry-San, and his influence in our own path of life. Lia, to whom the letter is addressed, is Larry’s daughter and is hosting the event and celebration. We offer this letter to our own farm family and friends, in the spirit of celebrating Larry’s life and mission, and to share with all, the impact he has had in the beginnings, and unfolding, of…

  • 2019 Year in Review

    Greetings Ananda Farm Friends, Well, a rather extraordinary 2019 Ananda Farm season is ‘in the books.’ Err, not exactly. One peak at the quickbooks for 2019 and you might even ‘cuse us farmers of having next to nothing ‘in the books.’ Indeed, bookkeeping and the ‘natural-farm’ life feel to be some kind of great analogy for the paradox of this world. Yet I suppose the ideal of responsible stewardship would have us manage both the landscape and our fiscal affairs alike, with care and with joy. Thus far, we have done our best to acquit ourselves adequately in one of the two. Let’s talk about the farm life, then. Though life on…

  • Rising Into Fall

    “I wonder how it is that people’s philosophies have come to spin faster than the changing seasons.” Masanobu Fukuoka, author, One Straw Revolution Well, the season has officially shifted. The days, getting shorter. The big leaf maple trees, dropping their magnificent, big leaf maple leaves, all over the farm, and all over western Washington. The mornings alternate between moderate and near frosty temperatures. Just ask momma goat and her morning milker in the lower field! The Foghorns in the Saratoga Passage often echo throughout the early hours, giving amplification to the magical mist which fills the air all around, before giving way to vast blue sky of the afternoon, and…

  • Our First Farm Wedding!

    On Sunday, June 23, Ananda Farm residents Paean Lee and William Breckenridge were married, right here at the Farm! Both their families attended—Paean’s family from Hong Kong, and William’s from Camano Island. All told, 120 friends and well-wishers shared in the blessings, and offered their own in return. Happy day! Congratulations, Paean & William!

  • Meeting the Water Man of India – Rajendra Singh

    7/10/19 It has been over two months since a surprise encounter with Rajendra Singh, but time has done little to dim the inspiration of that meeting. On Thursday, May 2, of this year, Hailey and I arrived in Port Townsend, WA for the Global Earth Repair Conference, a gathering of a few hundred well-intentioned, Mother-Earth loving souls from all over the world, to discuss, share, and hopefully inspire each other in the effort towards healing the earth. That evening, as we were setting up our Ananda farm table in the main hall, an Indian man walked over to introduce himself. The hall was mostly empty, save a couple volunteers doing…

  • Spring Newsletter. April 24, 2018

    Hello Ananda Farm Friends, Welcome to Springtime at Ananda Farm! Life is in a full-fledged roar right now at the farm, after an especially wet and wild few months. The bees are abuzz in the full power of AUM; the bird song sings both morning and night. The fruit blossoms take turns opening in all of their magnificence, to offer sweet nectar to the ‘fliers’ of forest and field. Tulips emerge in their splendor. Dandelions return throughout the land, in their humble, yet mighty glory, bringing sunshine directly into the green forest-lawns! At the farm, we farmers too are moving towards the summer. Broccoli, cabbage, favas and peas, even tomatoes…

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