Store FAQ

Where does Camano Farm Ashram ship to?

Anywhere in the United States. Sorry, we do not ship outside of the U.S.

What is the preferred payment method at Farmers Markets?

We prefer cash or check. Please, write checks out to Camano Farm Ashram.

What is the shipping cost?

Standard flat rate: and $11.95 For shipping items. We do not ship food items.

What is the credit card fee?

When paying with card, the fee is $0.30 + 3%.

Do you ship food items (bulk food orders)?

No, We only offer pick-up from the farm for your bulk food items.

When are the pick-up hours?

Saturdays 12 – 3pm at Farm Store. 732 Haven Place, Camano Island. Please email to confirm.

Can I bring my dog?

If possible, we would appreciate if you didn’t bring your dog(s). It’s hard to know if the dynamics between our two farm dogs and yours will be a harmonious one. Thanks!

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